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Topic : Hints and Practical Biology
- Materials required – good hb pencil, an eraser, a ruler to get the best result, the pencil neither be too blunt nor too pointed it is advisable to have two or three well sharpened pencils so as to save time of sharpening when it goes blunt. The eraser should be soft and clean
- View of the specimen: candidates should show mastery over different aspects of specimen a candidate may be penalized if he was instructed to make and draw the transverse or cross section but he rather draws the longitudinal section of the given specimen the view of the specimen to be familiar with include the anterior (head) the posterior (tail region) the dorsal(back facing upwards) and the lateral (side views)
- Diagram size: if candidate are instructed to make a drawing of a specific size a ruler must be used to mark such specification before drawing where no definite instruction as to the size of the diagram is given, it is always better to make large diagrams. Avoid tiny diagram
- Title – each drawing must bear an appropriate title written at the bottom of the drawing. The view or section must be named
- Shading – on no account should any drawing be shaded or coloured the examination is not testing how artistic you are
- Lines of the drawings – the lines of the drawing should not be wooly, wavy or too faint, but should be distinct and clear always pay attention to clarity of lines
- Guidelines and labeling: diagrams should be fully and correctly labeled with correct spelling in labeling a ruler should be used to produce the guidelines never used free hand to produce guidelines label must be horizontal guidelines must touch what is intended to be labeled when the guideline points to one structure, the name of the structure or label must be given in singular it is always advised that labels should be in capital letters to ensure neatness and clarity if small letters are used, than the letters should not join each other
- Magnification: this is a figure usually inserted at the bottom right side of the drawing. It usually indicates how much bigger or smaller the drawing is, relative to the actual specimen supplied to be drawn the magnification of a drawn specimen is usually arrived size of the drawing/size of the specimen to achieve this, measurement are usually taken if your drawing is thrice the size of the given specimen then the magnification is three times and this is usually written (x3) if your diagram is one – third of the size of the specimen supplied, then the magnification is written in fraction (x 1/3
Topic : Matrices

Topic: Differentiation