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English Language
Topic : Adjunct
What is an adjunct: an adjunct is a word or words (ie phrase or a clause which can be removed without making the sentence grammatically wrong. An adjunct is usually an adverb used to modify a verb when used as an adverb adjunct will usually indicate a time, mane – a place, frequency, reason or a degree for example
ADJUNCTS OF TIME {adverb of time} this is an adjunct that answers the question when. Examples:
1. The alarm went off again yesterday
2. In the morning, she will go to school.
ADJUNCT OF MANNER (adverb of manner) it answers the question how? And gives more useful information.
1. Present your case carefully
2. My father eats his food like a king.
ADJUNCT OF PLACE (adverb of place) it answers the question where?
1. Here the situation is completely different
2. I met him first in Lagos.
3. My friend is sitting in the parlour.
ADJUNCT OF FREQUENCY (adverb of frequency) it answers the question how often? Or how frequent. The words that introduce this adjunct are ; always, often, everyday, twice, occasionally, seldomly, regularly’
1. She comes here often
2. Every Thursday the shop opens at eight o’clock
3. We seldom visit the stadium.
ADJUNCT OF REASON (adverb of reason) this is an adjunct that answers the question why? And is introduced since, as and because’
1. As its Friday, you stay up another hour.
2. He was queried as he came to work late
3. She married early because she is well behaved
ADJUNCTS OF DEGREE (adverb of degree) it answers the question how? 1. You are not as poor as you could have been
2. She is as smart as she is brilliant.
ADJUNCT OF PURPOSE (adverb of purpose) this answers the question for what purpose? It is introduced words such as, so that, in order that, so as to, in order to,
For example:
1. He works for him in order that he might help him
2. Chioma started preparing in time so that she will pass her examination
Evaluation (assignment)
Underline the type of adjunct in the following sentence
- Fortunately, my father paid my school fees
- Last week, the students collected their result
- I shall go there very soon
- The girls sang the song beautifully
- The girl promised to visit the homeless next week
- I saw them in the house
- The cold hands of death dealt with the family ruthlessly
- The kept the meat on the shelf
- He went about his business diligently
- The judge dispersed justice without fear or favour
Topic: Active Voice
A verb is said to be active when its subject is performing the action of the verb you will recall that the verb is very important element in a sentence because of its role, it tells you more about actions, events doing and states of being of a subject the does is the subject and the object is regarded as the receiver.
Therefore the active voice is seen in a sentence where the subject does what the verb expresses. Let us identify the verb, the subject and the object is the following sentences,

Evaluation (assignment)
Use arrows to indicate the subject, then circle the action in the following sentence
- Birds spread diseases
- John did not invite peter to his party
TOPIC: Modification and mechanism of feeding in some animals
There are five modification and mechanisms of feeding associated with some organisms.
1. Absorbing mechanisms e.g tape worm. Tape worm is an endoparasite which carries out parasitic feeding on its host (ie man) it has no mouth but absorbs digested food from the intestine of its host.
Adaptations of tape – worm for parasite feeding are as following
- Tape worm has no alimentary canal therefore the food is absorbed through the entire body surface
- Tape worm has hooks and suckers used for attachment to host intestine in order to avoid dislodgement
- The body has thick cuticle which resists digestive enzymes of the host
- The flat body surface provide a large surface area for absorption of already digested food
- The entire body surface is used for the absorption of food.
2. Biting and chewing mechanism e.g grasshopper or cockroach. They have mouth-parts adapted for biting and chewing. These insects have four different mouth parts adapted for biting or chewing food.
- A. Labrum or upper lip – this prevents the food from falling off the mouth.
- B. Mandibles – a pair of mandibles, heavy, toothed and jam – like structure used for cutting and chewing food
- C. Maxillae – a pair of maxillae which mandibles have chewed into smaller particles
- D. labium – the labium (lower lip) prevents the wastage of food from the mouth
3. Sucking mechanisms – there are three popular organisms which exhibit sucking mechanisms theses are mosquito butter fly and housefly these insect have different modification of mouth parts adapted for feeding on food through the mechanisms of sucking
4. Grinding mechanisms – this is common among mammals e.g man, cattle, sheep etc. These animals are capable of grinding the food before swallowing the animals are adapted to grinding mechanisms the following features
- A. they have different sets of teeth to grind the food
- B. the teeth are hard and strong to with stand biting or grinding of the food
5. Trapping and absorbing mechanisms – this is common among the insectivorous or carnivorous plants such as bladder wort and sundews. These plants have structure which enable them to adapt this mode of feeding e.g the sundew is capable of secreting a fluid rich in enzyme to digest the insect externally.
- List 3 modification and mechanisms of feeding in some animals giving one example of the organism associated with each feeding mechanism
- Write 3 adaptation of tape worm for parasitic life
- List 3 different mouth parts adapted for biting and chewing in cockroach
Topic : Acid – Base Indicators
An acid – base indicator is a dye which changes colour when added to a solution of an acid or base usually to a solution of an acid or base usually the colour change shows that a solution of a substance is either acidic, neutral or alkaline. Acid – base indicator are weak organic acids and can be extracted from plant materials such as hibiscus flowers (the petals H/n —–> H + n) they work ionization or dissociation in thus the colour change of an indicator in solution, depends on its degree of ionization or dissociation for instance, when an indicators is added to a solution of a substance and the resulting is not far away from the original colour of the indicators, there is incomplete ionization e.g methyl orange

But if the indicator is added to a solution of substance and the resulting colour is very different from the original colour of the indicator, there is complete ionization e.g methyl orange

Types of acid – base indicator:
- Single indicator – a single indicator is an acid – base indicator which shows that a solution of a substance in either acidic, neutral on alkaline, through a colour changer e.g litmus, methyl orange, phenolphthalein, methyl red, bromothynal, methyl blue etc.
Colour change of common single indicator in solutions
Indicator | Original colour | Acid solution | Base solution | At neutral point |
Litmus | Greyer black | Red | Blue | Purple |
Methyl orange | Red | Pink | Yellow | Orange |
phenolphthalein | Colourless | Colourless | Pink | Colourless |
Choice O+ common single indicator in acid – base titration
Acid – base titration | example | Suitable indicator | Colour at end – point | PH at end point |
Strong acid | HCL (aq) | Methyl orange | Asper indic | |
Vs | Vs | Or phenolph – | Ector used | 7 |
Strong base | Na OH(aq) | Thalein | ||
Strong acid | H2SO4(aq) | Methyl | orange | 5 – 6 |
Vs | Vs | Orange | ||
Weak base | Na2 C03 (aq) | |||
Weak acid | H2C2 O4(aq) | phenolph | 8 – 9 | |
Vs | Vs | Thalein | Colourless | |
Strong base | KOH(aq) | |||
Weak acid | CH3COOH(aq) | No | ||
Vs | Vs | Suitable | Variable | Variable |
Weak base | HN3(aq) | Indicator |
- Universal indicator – is an acid – base indicator of a solution of a substance over a range of colours. The various colours include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and purple, as shown on the PH scale .
The universal indicator is a mixture of single indicator and they include methyl orange, methyl red, phenolphthalein, brorno thymol etc.
- The substance which shows that a substance is either acid or base is a /an A. indicator B. acid – base indicator C. pointer D. thermometer
- Indicator usually work by A. ionization B. decomposition C. precipitation D. crystallization
- The commonly used indicator in acid – base titrations A. methyl orange B. litmus C. methyl red D. methyl blue
- The most suitable indicator for the reaction between Na OH(aq) and CH3COOH(aq) is A. litmus B. methyl orange C. methyl red D. phenolphthalein
- The colour change of methyl orange indicator in base solution is A. pink B. colourless C. yellow D. red