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Topic: polygons
A polygon is a plane shape bounded or covered 3 or more straight lines. Examples are triangle, quadrilaterals, etc.
Types of polygon
- Convex polygon: this is a polygon which does not have any reflex angle inside. That is, non of its interior angle is greater than 180 degree
- Concave polygon: this is a polygon with one or more of its interior angle greater than 180 degree.

Regular polygon: this is a polygon in which all the sides as well as the angles are equal. Eg. Equilateral triangle, square, etc.
Naming a polygon
Polygons are named using the number of sides they have, a polygon with 3 sides is called a triangle, the one with 4 sides is called a quadrilateral, etc.
The table below gives the names of polygon according to the number of sides they have.
No. of sides(n) | Name of polygon |
3 | Triangle |
4 | Quadrilateral |
5 | Pentagon |
6 | Hexagon |
7 | Heptagon |
8 | Octagon |
9 | Nonagon |
10 | Decagon |
11 | Undecagon |
12 | Duodecagon |
- A polygon which does not have any reflex angle inside is called …………. Polygon
A. concave B. regular C. convex D. re-entrant.
- A polygon with four sides is known as …………
A. octagon B. hexagon C. square D. quadrilateral
- Which of these is a polygon with one or more of its angles greater than 180 degree?
A. concave B. regular C. convex D. re-entrant.
- Duodecagon is a polygon with …………. Sides
A. 10 B. 13 C. 9 D. 12
- An octagon has ……… number of triangles inside it.
A. 8 B. 6 C. 4 D. 12
Geometrical Constructions
Precautions in Accurate Geometrical Constructions
- All construction lines must be visible, and nothing contributing to the result should be rubbed off.
- A hard pencil with a sharp point must be used to enable lines and points to be as fine as possible. Avoid double and broad lines.
- Unless you are asked to use protractor to measure while constructing, otherwise you will be punished (penalized) if you do so.
- Always extend the bisectors to a measurable length to enable you find points of intersections of lines.
- For accurate construction, follow the question step step and do as its requirements demand.
The Mathematical Set
The mathematical set, popularly known as math set is made of : protractor, compass, divider ruler, set squares, pencil, eraser, etc.
Description And Use Of Some Mathematical Tools
Protractor : the protractor is a semi- circle with straight lines on it representing various angles. It is used for measuring the size of angles.
Compass: an instrument used for drawing circles and marking arcs. It consists of two rigid arms joined a hinge. At one end is sharp point, which is placed at centre of the circle, while the other end is where the pencil which traces the circumference is fixed.
Divider: the divider looks like the compass except that it has two sharp pointed ends. It is used for inscribing circles, measuring line, etc.
Set Square: these are the two flat, right-angled triangular shape, used for drawing right angles and angles of 30, 45 and 60 degrees. It is also used for constructing parallel lines.
- Which of the following is used for drawing circles and arcs?
A. divider B. compass C. protractor D. set square
- Which of the following looks like a compass except that it has two sharp pointed arms?
A. set square B. divider C. protractor D. pencil
- Which of the following is used to measure angles
A. protractor B. compass C. set square D. divider
- Construction lines can be rubbed off after construction. True or False.
Basic Science
TOPIC: Skill Acquisition
Skill acquisition is derived from two words “skill” and “ acquisition” thus, skill is a particular ability that a person has acquired may be through training to be able to do something while acquisition or to acquire something means to gain knowledge/ something one’s effort, ability or behavior therefore skill acquisition can be referred to as the special ability one has to do a particular thing training or though one’s effort.
People that want to be self employed skill acquisition in their chosen field is very paramount. Skill acquisition may involve the theoretical and the practical aspects in order for the trainee to be efficient and fully equipped in his/her field
Reasons for skill acquisition
- To be self employed
- To be able to train others
- To be gainfully employed
- Risk taking and decision making
- To be able to earn more
- To learn survival strategy
- Learning to live together
- To be able to handle difficult jobs or situation managing emergency or to save lives
Important of skill acquisition
- To appreciate human capability
- To improve our standard of living
Types of skill
- Electrical installation and maintenance (ie electrician)
- Fashion design
- Photography
- Automobile repair (ie mechanic)
- Fine artist
- Pottery
- Fishing
- Carpentry
- Catering
- Brick laying – block molding
- Welding
- Painting
- Panel beating etc.
Assessment test
- Define the term skill acquisition
- Give six reason for skill acquisition
- Mention eight types of skill you know
Home Economics
Topic : Immunization for Children
Immunization is the process of preventing against disease caused infection, administration of a vaccine. Or immunization is the process wherea person is made immune or resistant to an infections disease, typically the administration of a vaccine. Vaccine makes the bastronger against a particular infection. It stimulates the body’s own immune system to protect the person or individual against subsequent infection or disease
Immunization: children need to be protected against certain serious diseases which can cause permanent damage to a child’s health or even death. Children can be immunized against the following disease; tetanus, diphtheria(an acute highly contagious infection caused the bacterium coryne bacterium diphtheria that generally affects the throat) whooping cough small pox, polio, measles, and tuberculosis children should be fully immunized the time they are one year old immunization is given to children in infant welfare clinics, immunization centers and hospitals this is a thing parents should not over look, they should ask their doctors questions to find out all they need to know before time to make sure that no child miss it.
Description of infection diseases:
- BCG (bacitte calmette guerine) is the tuberculosis vaccine, tuberculosis causes pulmonary infection, but spread to many organs causing serious illness, death and disability.
- OPVI: is also known as “ORAL POLIO VACCINE” immunization polio mainly affects children under five years of age polio can be lead to irreversible paralysis.
- HEPBD (HEPATITIS B VACCINE) hepatitis B can be cause chronic liver disease and put people at high risk of death from cirrhosis of the liver ( a condition in which the liver responds to injury or death of some of its cells) and liver cancer.
- PENTAVALENT VACCINE: is a combination of many vaccine in one that prevents diphtheria tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenza type B all though a single dose
- DIPTH THERIA: is a bacterium that causes a severe throat and upper lung infection
- TEPANUS: is a bacterium that causes weakness and paralysis when allowed to faster on deep dirty wound.
- WHOOPING COUGH: is a bacterium that causes severe liver damage
- HEPATITIS B: is a virus that causes severe liver damage
- HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZA TYPE B: is a bacteria that causes meningitis and blood stream infection it can be deadly or it’s a species associated with acute and chronic respiratory infection common secondary cause of influenza infections type B as a primary cause of bacteria meningitis
- PNEUMOCOCCAL CONJUGATE VACCINE(PVC) pneumococcal disease can lead to bacterial meningitis pneumonia and bacteremia
- ROTAVIRUS VACCINE: is an oral vaccine against rotavirus infection which causes diarrhea.
- MEASLES: is an infection caused a virus measles vaccine is an effective vaccine used against measles
- YELLOW FEVER: is a disease caused a virus that is spread through mosquito bites, yellow fever can be prevented taking yellow fever vaccine and preventing mosquito bites
- MUMPS: is a highly contagious infection spread paraylovirus mumps can be prevented having MMR vaccine
- RUBELLA: this is commonly known as German measles rubella is caused rubella virus which is a common childhood infection,