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Topic: Simple Equation



Basic Science
TOPIC: Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is an act of using cheap drugs as an alternative as a result of non – availability or expensive nature of the desired drug.
Drug addiction: this is a situation when someone’s body system is a altered in such a way that the body requires the continued use/presence of a particular drug to function such people who are drug addicted cannot function normally without the drugs
Drug abuse (ie the use of illicit drugs) can be caused the following reason below:
- Curiosity = some take drugs out of curiosity just to experiment and see the result .
- To make the users feel exited
- Peer group pressure (PGP) some people especially adolescent and youths take illicit drugs in order to be recognized or accepted their friends and among their social circles.
- Some take hard drugs in order to important and get high
- Inability to say no when friends offer them the drugs.
- Some take it to reduce stress and frustration i.e for relaxation purpose.
- Some as well abuse drugs because of lack of self confidence
- Some take drugs because they feel or belief it makes them bold daring and excited.
Drug trafficking
This is an illegal trade or smuggling of hard drugs from one country to another. It is prohibited the law of many countries this is why offenders are often faced with capital punishment i.e termination of life or life imprisonment.
Assessment test
- Define drug addiction
- Differentiate between drug abuse and substance abuse
- Mention four causes of drug abuse
- Give atleast one consequence of drug trafficking
Igbo Language

Needle Work and Garment Making

Christian Religious Knowledge